Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Thanksgiving Book Reports

Today, my students presented their Thanksgiving Book Reports. Each student selected a Thanksgiving, Pilgrim, or Indian book from the library or our classroom library to read several times. Then they either created a scene from their book or made a poster to retell the story. I was quite impressed with the outcome. My students are so creative and smart. It was so much fun watching them present their project. I could tell that they were very proud of the outcome. Their hard work really paid off. Way to go guys!!!

Thanksgiving Storytelling and Crafts

Aunt Kay is sharing some of the neat things she found on their hike over the weekend.
Aunt Kay and Uncle Chip gathered leaves, moss, acorns, pine cones, and pine needles. We made Thanksgiving decorations with all of them.
Uncle Chip read Huggly's Thanksgiving Parade and Aunt Kay did some amazing crafts with the class. Here we are showing off our new creations. We had another great time with Aunt Kay and Uncle Chip.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Thanksgiving Music Program

The second graders at J.W. Wiseman sang their little hearts out at our Thanksgiving Program last night. Mrs. Evie did an awesome job, as usual putting together a unique and meaningful show. We have so many reasons to be thankful. Our second graders proudly sang about the things that make them thankful, like family, friends, and freedom. Way go go guys!

We Recycle

In honor of Nation Recycling Day, our school held a book swap. We brought in old books that we had either outgrown or didn't want and traded them for new ones. Each book brought in earned the students one book buck. We went shopping on Monday for our new books. Thanks Mr. Martin, Mrs. Brown, the Title 1 staff, and volunteers for giving us this wonderful opportunity to reuse these wonderful books.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Brandon's Last Day

We're going to really miss Brandon. Good luck at your new school!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Thanksgiving Lunch

Allie and Her Grandfather (Above)
Harmony and Her Mom (Above)
Aubrey, Adeline, Kolbe, and Carlos Enjoying Lunch Together (Above)
Lucas and His Mom (Above)
Sasha and Her Family (Above)
Aubree and Her Grandmother (Above)
Chloe and Her Mom (Above)
We are thankful for so many reasons. I loved eating with my students at our Thanksgiving lunch. I am so thankful for each one of them!