Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Second Grade Feast

Thank you parents for the Feast food that you provided our second grade students. I think it's safe to say they enjoyed it... a lot. Look at those faces! The students and I certainly appreciate your contribution. Your help made this a very special day for all of us.

Thanksgiving Poems and Jokes

My students are excellent readers. Even when given a challenge, they still know how to use their best reading voice with expression and fluency. That is exactly what they did today. I was so proud of their performance before the Thanksgiving Feast this morning. Thank you parents for joining us. Your support means everything. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving! :)

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

PTO Fall Ball

If you didn't get the chance to stop by the Fall Ball last Satuday night, you really missed out. It was fun for all ages... and spooky too. Our PTO did a fabulous job putting it together for all the kids and their families at J.W. Wiseman. We owe them a huge "Thank you!"

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Get Books!

Check out Scholastic's October book club order. There are some AMAZING books offered this month. You can order online or send in your child's paper copy. Online ordering can be done throughout the month of October. If you'd rather order from your child's hard copy, please send your check in by next Thursday, October 11.

Our online order code is L7RP2. Happy shopping!

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Strongest One Production

 Thanks to all who attended! You are all AMAZING! :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012


We recently read A Walk in the Desert and learned about life in the desert. Here is a picture of us trying Prickly Pear Fruit candy from cactus fruit. As you can see, we had mixed feelings regarding the taste of the candy. Shayne's face is priceless. New experiences are the best. I love moments like these! :)

Just a Reminder...

I just wanted to remind you about our readers theatre production of The Strongest One tomorrow afternoon. Lunch is at 11:40. We would love for you to join us for lunch if you are available. The show will follow lunch at 12:20. The kids and I are very eager to see you in our classroom tomorrow! Have a great day!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

More Guests...

Above is a picture of my mom and Anah's mom reading to our class. We love having visitors read during storytime. Let me know if you or someone special would like to read a book to our class. We certainly appreciate family and friends taking the time to do so! :) 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Phonics Phones to the Rescue

These are our new, beautiful, and unique only to our class, Phonics Phones. They were made by two parent/grandparent volunteers. Christie's grandfather and Gavin's dad took the time to construct these handy reading tools. They are AWESOME!!!! Below, you will see the kids using them for the first time. As the students whisper read into the phone, they can clearly hear their reading voices. They loved hearing themselves read aloud. Eventually, each student will have two... one for home and one for school.

Did you see the colors? The boys got camo Phonics Phones, and the girls got pink zebra ones. I can't brag on our sweet volunteers enough! We are so lucky to have them as a part of our learning community!
 Above: Caliey and Michael
 Gavin... His daddy was one of our volunteers! Gavin's dad made the CAMO Phonics Phones!
Christie: Her grandfather was our other volunteer. He was responsible for the ZEBRA striped Phonics Phones!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Wax Museum

Each year, the Portland High School sends some talented students our way to perform a wax museum. We watched and waited as each of these interesting characters came to life. What a great treat!

Fab Friday

We had a fabulous guest today. His name is Mr. Ron, and he is our school's head custodian. We invited him to read The Custodian from the Black Lagoon on our very first Fabulous Friday. After working hard, taking tests this morning, Mr. Ron's story was a much needed reward. We sure do appreciate everything he does for our school... and are so thankful he isn't like the custodian from the Black Lagoon. :) 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fluency Folders

This is a video from last school year. It's a little goofy, but gives you the idea behind how the Fluency Folders work.

 Basically, you will set the timer to count up for the Fry Instant Word List. Record how long it takes your child to read all 100 words. Then you will set the timer for one minute as your child reads the assigned Fluency Passage. This time the counter will count down. He or she will read for one minute, three separate times, trying to improve with fluency and words read per minute each time.

I hope this video is helpful. As always, please let me know if you need ANYTHING. I don't mind sitting down with you to explain the Fluency Folders in greater detail, if they still seem a bit confusing. I hope that you will see what our parents began seeing last year in regards to their child's reading fluency. It made a TREMENDOUS difference. If your child wants extra practice, please encourage it... the more, the better! Remember to make the Fluency Folder fun by turning it into a game/competition. Encourage your child to "beat" his or her previous times! Good luck and thanks for all you do at home to build on what we are learning and practicing each day at school! You're support and encouragement is valued greatly. :)
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Friday, August 17, 2012

"Owl" About Me Sacks

Today, I learned lots of interesting things about each of my students. I learned about their hobbies, interests, and favorites, such as foods, colors, and sports. The "Owl" About Me Sacks were a great tool for learning more about these sweet kiddos! They did an awesome job speaking in front of the class as well. I was quite impressed.

I found out that Gavin is an Alabama fan. Bless his heart. He will learn one day. Go Vols!

I learned that Tarah loves Barbies. Here, she is holding a sweet picture of her family.

Anah shared her makeup and hair brushes. She talked with such enthusiasm!

Nathan helps his dad work on cars. He has his own drill. Pretty cool, huh?
Thanks for sharing guys!