Monday, July 19, 2010

Getting Ready for a New Year

Look for pictures of our classroom soon! Mr. Kevin is moving my things from the third grade hallway down to my new room in the second grade hallway today (hopefully). That means I'll have exactly two weeks to get everything organized and ready for school to begin. Getting ready for a new year is always exciting! I can't wait to get started.


  1. Mrs. Hester, You're classroom is looking great! You can get it finished before school! I know you can! I can't wait for our students to enjoy each other through our pen pal system! Love, Mrs. Wilkinson

  2. Mrs. Wilkinson,
    Thanks for commenting! You are the first one! I appreciate your encouragement. I'm hoping to have my classroom complete by the end of this week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Yes, I agree that our students will enjoy being pen pals. I can't wait! Enjoy your last few days of summer. Tell Charlie Kate hello for me.
    Mrs. Hester
